You’ve tried it all from training and exercise to holistic treatments and more. Little seems to be working. Your dog continues to act destructively when you are gone for extended periods of time.
You come home to chewed up table legs, wrecked rugs and items that used to resemble pillows. Unsure of what to do next, and wanting to protect your home and furniture, you surrender your dog to a local humane society.
Sound familiar? You’re not alone.
Every year, well over three million dogs enter shelters according to the ASPCA. Approximately half of those furry four-legged companions won’t experience another home or family in their lifetime.
The main reason, you ask? Behavioral issues. But more specifically, behavioral issues such as those mentioned above, brought on by anxiety.
How Anxiety Affects Dogs
Anxiety is one of the most common canine behavior stressors. It can affect breeds of all sizes, ages and genders. In fact, up to 40% of canines referred to animal behavior practices in North America suffer from anxiety according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Additionally, in a survey of factors associated with surrendering dogs to a local humane society, behavioral issues are one of the most commonly reported reasons.
Aggravating the issue, it appears, may also be economics.
According to a study performed by the ASPCA, over 25% of dog owners said the cost of medical care was a deciding factor in surrendering their pet. Less than 10% of dog owners have pet insurance while the average cost for medication treating anxiety, for example, can reach well over $150.
Pet owners with incomes lower than $50,000 per year were also the likeliest income demographic to report surrendering their pets while stating lower cost healthcare would be the single most important factor when considering keeping their dog.
Safe Dog Anxiety Medication
To combat behavioral issues brought upon by anxiety in dogs and by offering a more cost effective option, Mizner Bioscience has begun manufacturing generic Clomipramine Hydrochloride tablets.
This new generic medication has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine.
Costing significantly less than their name brand counterparts, while being just as safe and effective, Mizner Bioscience is looking to better position pet owners with the ability to treat their dogs’ behavioral issues and be less likely to surrender them to a shelter.
Not only will Clomipramine Hydrochloride tablets help combat a dog owners’ likelihood to surrender their dog to a shelter, but the medication could help adopted rescue dogs settle into their new lives outside of a shelter.
A higher percentage of shelter dogs will develop and exhibit signs of separation anxiety due to changing environments and care.
Anti-anxiety medication paired with regular training will help settle a newly adopted shelter dog and give them the confidence to just be a dog and not worry about what’s next for them.
Pet owners who have been using this medication have already seen exciting changes in their furry companions.
Effects of Clomipramine Hydrochloride on Anxiety
After using the medication for several doses, dog owners have reported that with Clomipramine Hydrochloride tablet treatment they saw a positive change in their canines.
Most dogs still had their same personality, but owners noticed their pets experiencing reduced stress and agitation.
Dogs were better able to manage and cope with being left alone or separated and owners say behaviors were more manageable or reduced to no symptoms.
It is important to note that all canine anxieties are different. To best address separation anxiety in your dog consult with your veterinarian to develop a treatment plan with Clomipramine Hydrochloride tablets to manage and combat anxiety symptoms.
Clomipramine Hydrochloride tablets should not replace behavior and environmental training but should be used as a tool that can aid better responses from training.